Top 10k strings from Ket Trilogy I - Mountains of Ket (1983)(Incentive Software).tzx
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5 r(c3,c1)=c1 4 +((i-c1)*3 4 ((man-c1)*4 2 st=st-dam: 2 c1;"HUGE DRAGON"; 2 +((lc-c1)*6 2 )+(no-c1)) 2 '" Your "; 2 '" I can't see anything!": 2 " What with?": 2 " What with (Your hands)?": 1 you=you+y1 1 thr=thr+c1: 1 s$="Goblin" 1 rou=rou+c1: 1 r(c2,c1)+7 1 r(c2,c1))-(ma=c1) 1 pol=tu+c1: 1 p$="_______": 1 p$="You are DEAD": 1 p$="YOUR STATISTICS": 1 p$="YOU WIN!": 1 p$="YOU GOT HIM": 1 p$="UGH!": 1 p$="THE FIRST OF A 3 PART SERIES": 1 p$="TAPE 2": 1 p$="SIZZLE!": 1 p$="RULES": 1 p$="PUSH A KEY FOR A NEW GAME": 1 p$="OF KET": 1 p$="MOUNTAINS": 1 p$="INSERT TAPE & PRESS PLAY.": 1 p$="GURGLE! UGH!": 1 p$="GLUG! GLUG!": 1 p$="GAMBLING": 1 p$="DICE GAME": 1 p$="COMBAT": 1 os=os+ex+(mr*7 1 os=os+(map*10 1 n$=c$(z+c1 1 n$="TALPS" 1 mst=mst-c2 1 mst=mst-(2 1 mst=mst+20 1 msk=msk-c2 1 lu=lu-c1+(mr=c1) 1 ket1 1 i,c0;" ": 1 him=him+h1: 1 gob=gob+c1: 1 dam=dam-(ma=c1): 1 cos+" coins": 1 cos+" coins" 1 c3,c1;"You begin the adventure with the following abilities:-" 1 c3,c1;"Well it had to happen sometime" 1 c2;"PROWESS"; 1 c2;"LUCK"; 1 c2;"ENERGY"; 1 c2+(ms=c1): 1 c1,c1;p$'': 1 c1,c0;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ": 1 c0;" struggles up the ramp into the room.": 1 c0;" struggles up the ramp but slips back down.": 1 c0;" is self explanatory." 1 c0;" is a measure of"'" your physical condition." 1 c0;" is a measure of" 1 c0,c2,c1,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c2,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c1,c0,c0 1 c0,c0,c0,57 1 a$=a$+" and you can have my MAP too.": 1 a$="You may not pass.": 1 a$="You don't have enough money, it costs "+ 1 a$="You can't leave things here": 1 a$="You can't just take things from here.": 1 a$="You can't go up there.": 1 a$="That'll do nicely,here's the GOLD": 1 a$="Speak up sonny I'm a bit deaf": 1 a$="Same to you too!": 1 a$="O.K. Thats "+ 1 a$="O.K. Here are "+ 1 a$="It's not for sale.": 1 a$="I've no time for idle chatter": 1 a$="I'm not in need of charity!": 1 a$="I'll only give you the GOLD,if you give me something to ease my boredom.": 1 a$="I have nothing left to gamble.": 1 a$="I don't want to thanks.": 1 a$="I don't want it.": 1 a$="I don't sell it.": 1 a$="Hello!": 1 a$="Gosh its cold.": 1 a$="Go away!": 1 a$="BY R.A.McCORMACK" 1 a$="Are you trying to be funny?": 1 a$="AARGHH!": 1 YOUR STATISTICS 1 Start tape, then press any key 1 S 1 Number array: 1 MAKE MASTER 1 MAGIC SWORD 1 KETCODE 1 KET 1 Character array: 1 CARTOGRAPHER 1 ;st-i;" ": 1 ;mst-i;" ": 1 ;"the pair of dice."'' 1 ;"The Ogre will play his "'" MAGIC SWORD against your DICE." 1 ;"Suit yourself": 1 ;"SOFTWARE LTD";#c0;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;"PROWESS "; 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT A MOMENT" 1 ;"NOW LOADING" 1 ;"LUCK "; 1 ;"INCENTIVE"; 1 ;"HIGHest total wins!" 1 ;"ENERGY "; 1 ;" points." 1 ;" Prowess Energy Luck" 1 ,c3;"You"; 1 ,c3;"Him"; 1 ,c1;"You step off the edge to meet your death on the rocks below.": 1 ,c1;"You hear a low chuckle and the Zombie reforms!!": 1 ,c1;"Which way? ";: 1 ,c1;"Do wish to try to escape him?";: 1 ,c1;" Delphia vanishes in a puff of green smoke!" 1 ,c1;" As you near the ramp a HUGE DRAGON breaths fire at you and you fry.": 1 ,c0;"You have found the way through the mountains and can now begin the journey to the Temple where you will find Vran & Delphia." 1 ,c0;"Totals: 1 ,c0;" You swim out but the weight of your equipment pulls you under and you drown.": 1 ,c0;" We shall each have 3 throws of"' 1 ,c0;" He gives you his MAGIC SWORD.": 1 ,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0,c0 1 ,c0,c0,c0,c0 1 ,c0,c0,c0,7 1 ,C1;"You swim against the current and suddenly get pulled under by a very long tentacle and eaten alive.": 1 ,C1;" ": 1 +gob)-lc=c1 1 +gob)-lc=-c1 1 +(ms=c1)): 1 +((z-c1)*c3): 1 +((vb-c1)*c2): 1 +((i-c1)*c3),c0: 1 +((i-c1)*c3),c0 1 +((i-c1)*c3) 1 )TSR7PO_^]\[ZTS 1 );"% so far" 1 )+" coins" 1 (DT|||8?PQ 1 '()*'(()*'(*)*'(%**'()*',. 1 '"Throw "; 1 '"Do you have TAPE 2 ?"''" Y-to use that tape"'" N-to carry on with this tape" 1 '" You see a man wearing a long robe and tall hat pass through the skulls mouth.The mouth then closes.": 1 '" You may call up your current condition by asking for a "; 1 '" You hear voices coming from the other side of the wall." 1 '" You hear someone saying 'TALPS'" 1 '" You hear someone breathing." 1 '" You hear footsteps nearby." 1 '" You hear a roar and an UGLY but GIANT DRAGON arrives." 1 '" You can't do that!": 1 '" What shall we do? ";: 1 '" What about ";n$;"?": 1 '" The hole disappears" 1 '" The bottle is now EMPTY.": 1 '" The SKULLS mouth opens revealing a room beyond.": 1 '" The SKULLS mouth is shut.": 1 '" The SKULLS mouth is open.": 1 '" The Orc says"'" ""What is the PASSWORD?""" 1 '" The Gremlin cowers near the small holes and points in.": 1 '" The GOBLIN screams an oath and attacks you.": 1 '" The DOG scares the ";s$;" off.": 1 '" The ";s$;" stares at you": 1 '" The ";s$;" says," 1 '" That's "; 1 '" Sorry,but I don't know how to do that.": 1 '" So far in this adventure you have scored "; 1 '" She sends you out.": 1 '" Round ";rou 1 '" Please use directions!": 1 '" O.K. Prepare tape to save in two parts": 1 '" O.K. Insert your data file and press PLAY!": 1 '" Never mind, you can only get better." 1 '" I told you it was slippery,you fall over.": 1 '" I don't know what you mean.": 1 '" Gasp! Its too dark to see!": 1 '" Delphia says"'" ""Give me your NECKLACE or ELSE. [Y/N]?""": 1 '" Delphia orders her Ogre to kill you at once!": 1 '" Could you put that another way.": 1 '" Around us we can see:" 1 '" An enraged villager who saw you slay that man ATTACKS you!!": 1 '" Also here is a "; 1 '" A GOBLIN GUARD enters the area.": 1 '" He wins, and takes the DICE.": 1 '" As you entered the cave a huge gate slamed down behind you. You are trapped in the mountain until you can find another way out!": 1 '" This is EDGAR signing off!" 1 "Your sword cuts his leg badly!" 1 "You thrust past his guard and hit him!" 1 "You swipe at his head and hit!" 1 "You stab him!" 1 "You must watch your step here as the floor has oil on it. From the south comes a musty smell." 1 "We enter some tunnels." 1 "We enter some tiny tunnels." 1 "We enter some small winding tunnels." 1 "We enter some low tunnels." 1 "We can see a field in the west around us are boulders." 1 "We are standing in front of a huge SKULL that blocks the passage,its eyes emit a dull red glow that lights the area" 1 "We are on the west edge of the plateau. We can see it's about 500' high." 1 "We are on the southern plateau, it is very small." 1 "We are on the second floor of the posh house." 1 "We are on a north/south path." 1 "We are on a ledge on the side of a mountain.Hundreds of feet below is a river." 1 "We are in a small field.To our South is a large field." 1 "We are in a small chamber,the tunnel entering it from the east has an acrid smell and light is coming from the south" 1 "We are in a small but clean & tidy hardware shop." 1 "We are in a cave.In its centre is a column of stone.There are entrances all around but the way North is blocked by a Gate" 1 "We are in a bleak field.There are other fields all around." 1 "We are at the base of a sheer and crumbling cliff face." 1 "We are at a dead end.The east wall is in mint condition." 1 "We are at a crossroads in the village centre.There are buildings all around." 1 "We are at a cross passage and can see a strange sight to the south." 1 "We are amongst some low bushes To our east is a wood." 1 "Up ahead we can see an archway" 1 "To our south is the mountain, with a cave entrance at its base" 1 "This little beach has a cave at its back.The lake is north." 1 "This lane we are in leads east /west,there is a posh house to our north." 1 "This is the shrine of some god ,a pool is in its centre about which you get an odd feeling" 1 "This is the guard room.It smells of unwashed bodies." 1 "The walls of this area shimmer and you get an uneasy feeling." 1 "The room we are in has a high arched ceiling.A faint breeze comes from the south." 1 "The path through the mountains is to the east of the village not the west!" 1 "The musty smell & many bottles indicate that this is a cellar" 1 "The land around us is barren." 1 "Stableman" 1 "Some tasty Food 1 "Some Gold bars" 1 "Some Coins" 1 "Man (shopkeeper)" 1 "Man (The owner)" 1 "Mad Monk" 1 "He stumbles and you smash him!" 1 "He stabs you!" 1 "He slashes you" 1 "He knocks you to the ground!" 1 "He kicks you." 1 "He dodges your guard,lunges and hits!" 1 "He bites you." 1 "Giant Zombie" 1 "FILENAME";F$: 1 "Chopped Logs 1 "Cartographer" 1 "An old Map" 1 "An empty Bottle 1 "A trusty Sword 1 "A suit of magic Armour" 1 "A strong Horse" 1 "A spiral staircase leads down from here into darkness.We are in a damp room and the sound of water comes from the south." 1 "A sharp Axe 1 "A pretty 1 "A pile of Gems 1 "A phial of Potion 1 "A pair of Dice" 1 "A magic luck Ring 1 "A mages Hat 1 "A mages Cloak" 1 "A long Chain" 1 "A lit Lamp 1 "A large Diamond" 1 "A jeweled Bracelet" 1 "A guard Dog" 1 "A false Beard 1 "A crimson Fish 1 "A copy of the Goblin Gazette" 1 "A big Log 1 "A Magic sword 1 "A Dog chained to the column" 1 "A Bottle of water 1 "A Bottle of oil 1 "A Bottle of elixir 1 " your swordsmanship."''" Your "; 1 " chop! chop! Its done.": 1 " and your GEMS roll away!": 1 " and High Priestess Delphia." 1 " Yum! Yum!": 1 " Your current abilities are:-" 1 " You're not carrying them.": 1 " You're already carrying it.": 1 " You'd have to be a bit of a Wizard to get through here!": 1 " You'd have a job swimming here": 1 " You were lucky": 1 " You tie the dog to the pillar. He looks fierce enough to guard anything." 1 " You spring across the crevasse.": 1 " You pour the oil on the ramp making It very slippery.": 1 " You manage to OPEN the DOOR, but it begins to swing shut.": 1 " You have with you:-" 1 " You have too much with you!": 1 " You have got the maximum score Your Codeword is EEK! BLEEK!" 1 " You have ";gp;".": 1 " You feel a spring in your step.": 1 " You could form a stable relationship with a Horse.": 1 " You can't!": 1 " You can't go that way": 1 " You are not carrying it.": 1 " With whom?": 1 " Wish me luck in getting back." 1 " Who are you going to sell to?": 1 " Which way?": 1 " What? While you're carrying it": 1 " We are standing on the north edge of an underground lake." 1 " We are on the west side of a door.To our west is a landing." 1 " We are on the south edge of the plateau.To our south is a 20' wide crevasse and another plateau." 1 " We are on a road with fields on both sides.To our east is a village & a wood." 1 " We are in the middle of the lake.A few yards away to our south is a beach." 1 " We are in an open field,the village lies to our west and a small path leads south." 1 " We are in a warm room with a shut door to the west.In the south is a ramp leading down to a den." 1 " We are in a ploughed field with bushes nearby and a stable to the east." 1 " We are in a low valley,the grass here is burnt." 1 " We are in a little used room. There are stairs up and an entrance in the south." 1 " We are in a field,the crops here have been harvested." 1 " We are in a chamber.There is an archway to our south and from the east comes the smell of incense." 1 " We are at the south end of a big chamber.A wide passage leads south." 1 " We are at the south end of a lane,to our west are the stables and on our east is a house." 1 " We are at the north end of a Valley, it is blocked by rocks" 1 " WIZARDS ARE TOTALLY MAGICAL": 1 " Urg! That was a bit dumb. Never mind you only lose 2 Energy!": 1 " Try exploring a bit more!": 1 " To who?": 1 " This room has straw all over its floor." 1 " This may be a good place to leave things.": 1 " This is an ante-chamber that has a religious feel to it.In the south wall is a decorated archway." 1 " This house is well kept and has two floors." 1 " This chamber has a thin layer of dust on its floor." 1 " There is no one here to buy it from.": 1 " There are a flight of stairs going up from here.To the west is a chamber and there are holes in the south wall." 1 " The word ""MINT"" is on it.": 1 " The wind is blowing through the trees of the wood we are now in.There is a path going east and the sound of voices comes from the north." 1 " The spring has now gone from your step!": 1 " The house we are in is very basic,it only has one floor." 1 " The dog instantly becomes your friend and wolfs down the food." 1 " The ORC steps aside.": 1 " The ORC just looks at you.": 1 " The LAMP is now ON" 1 " The HORSE will not enter!": 1 " The BOTTLE is EMPTY.": 1 " The ";s$;" says"'" ""You'll regret this""": 1 " The ";s$;" says" 1 " The ";s$;" leaps at you to"'" protect the ";n$: 1 " The ";s$;" blocks you.": 1 " The ";s$;" blocks you!": 1 " Swim which way?": 1 " Seeing your greed the GOD of the shrine fires a lightning bolt at you!!": 1 " Please be more specific!": 1 " Pardon!": 1 " O.K. Its full.": 1 " Nothing.": 1 " Nothing happens": 1 " Nothing Happens!": 1 " Magic glows at its tip!": 1 " KILL what?": 1 " Its on already!": 1 " Its not deep enough.": 1 " Its FULL already.": 1 " Its EMPTY already.": 1 " It's not here!": 1 " It tells of an OGRE who just loves to play dice and is very good at it.": 1 " It shows the path through the mountains to be EAST of some boulders.": 1 " It looks very strong!": 1 " It looks better than your other sword.": 1 " Is that wise?": 1 " I'm sorry,but I don't know what a '";n$;"' is.": 1 " I'm as stumped as you.": 1 " I'm afraid we can't go that way": 1 " I'd love to if you had it.": 1 " I wouldn't its full of piranha!": 1 " I see nothing to tie him to.": 1 " I see nothing special": 1 " I don't see him.": 1 " I can't see the DOOR": 1 " I can't see it.": 1 " How can you drop something that you don't have?": 1 " He wanders off to find something to do.": 1 " He then rushes forward and attacks you!": 1 " He nearly bites your arm off as you near him.": 1 " He isn't here.": 1 " He hits! Will you dodge? ";: 1 " Glug! Glug! Ahh." 1 " From what?": 1 " For a hole try a mixed up loop!": 1 " FILL the BOTTLE with what?": 1 " Edgar says"'" ""We'll never get to the mountain at this rate!!""" 1 " Don't just kill everyone!": 1 " Don't be daft.": 1 " But you have no coins!": 1 " But you don't have it.": 1 " But you don't have it!": 1 " But you are not carrying it.": 1 " But you already own it.": 1 " But its not here.": 1 " Bad luck you failed to dodge!" 1 " As you turn to run he gets an extra blow in.": 1 " As you put it down the room is plunged into darkness." 1 " Are you talking to yourself?": 1 " An annoyed RAT leaps at you to protect his treasure!!": 1 " A large RAT grabs it and runs away before you can do a thing.": 1 " A 4' hole appears in the wall." 1 " ""You have the sacred diamond, now DIE""" 1 " """;a$;"""" 1 " We are standing on a river bank.There is a wood to our west and a small path leads north." 1 " We are in a spoilt field." 1 " We are in a room with red curtains on all walls & a set of stairs going down." 1 " This is a landing. To the north is a sweet smelling chamber some stairs down are also here." 1 " This chamber is furnished richly and smells of perfume." 1 " These are the stables,they smell of manure." 1 " The wide passage continues. The walls are scorched." 1 " Prowess "; 1 " Obviously this chamber has been used as a toilet." 1 " Luck "; 1 " Energy "; 1 " We are just outside the passage on a mountain plateau." 1 " We are on the east edge of the plateau." 1 " Foolshly we are in the LARGE DRAGONS den." 1 PART SERIE